I would not wish this on anyone considering this critter's fate. Nevertheless, walk with me for a brief period to peer inside such a warped mind. My hope is to conjure up some inkling of what might make such a being tick.
If I were Satan, I would already know certain things about people. After all, I have been around them for about 6000 years. I know their desires and the things they will accept. I know how to entice them to believe questionable issues. You must realize I had a lot to learn. Apparently I came on too strong before the big flood.
I have since learned to ease into things and be more persuasive. Oh sure I lost out to Job, Jesus and those others, but that was all in the learning process. I have come a long way since then. Look at all I have accomplished just within the last 60 years. You my friend should be proud of me. I am proud of myself. Oh, don't believe that pride goeth before destruction stuff in the Bible. That is a bunch of lies. You need to listen to me; I will take you places -- hah, hah, hah.
Take the case of prayer in schools back in 1962. It did not take a genius to realize what would happen if prayer was taken out of schools. That's right; the next step was to take God out of schools and then out of everywhere else. Since the parents were not teaching about God at home, they would never hear about Him. That is why schools now teach there is no God and generations have and will continue to pass that down to their children's children. As an added bonus, they now teach sex in schools, my favorite subject, even to small children. I pride myself with that achievement. After all, Jesus called me the prince of this world. Remember, He never disputed me when I showed and offered Him all the kingdoms of this world if He would bow down to me. You can be sure I would never have given them to Him if He did bow to me. You know, He once called me the father of lies -- ha, ha.
Back in 1973, I was able to earn a landmark Supreme Court chalk-one-up-for-me victory. Also back in the 70's and 80's, I set the stage for another group to become bolder and more visible. Then in 2004, I convinced people to turn a godly President into one of the most disliked Presidents ever? All I had to do was persuade people that 4000 troops who volunteered, and who were eager and willing to die for their country in Iraq was exceedingly more important than 80,000,000 innocent babies who have died involuntarily. Yeah, it is no longer like the old days; I find my job so much easier anymore. All I had to do in the 2008 election year was to tell the younger voters the government would give them everything if they voted for the right candidate. Hee, hee - boy did they get fooled - I guess that's why they call me the great deceiver, huh? The last election I changed everything around. I turned one side into haters just like me. They don't know it is me doing it because they don't even know I exist because the never read the Bible.
Look at all the ways available today to infiltrate peoples minds; drugs, music, radio, TV, computers, religions -- yes, religions. I have invented so many of them to add to their confusion. I even concocted religions that believe in Jesus; however, I have made Him anything but the Son of God. I thought that was clever too - ha, ha. Hey, have you also noticed that more people than ever are looking forward to the day that honors me, Halloween. I have almost assured them that Christmas is bad and Halloween is good.
Don't let this leak out, but my main project today is to confuse, distort and make people believe the Bible is full of lies. I know I have been doing that for centuries, but this is a big push for today. Huh - you ask me why? Certainly you jest. The Bible makes me tremble. Between me and you and the gate post, I know it is the true Word of God. In the past I watched as God gave certain men words to write about what He wanted people to know. I also watched those men as they did so with great painstaking detail and care. Yes, the Bible is my biggest hindrance to keeping people on my side. Remember, I only come to kill, steal and destroy. How can I do that if the Bible takes people from me and sets them free? I don't like that. That's why I put doubts in their hearts about things. People get confused very easily.
Let me clue you in on a little secret of mine. It's not what I say, but how I say it. I tell my people all the time -- don't say, "Jesus is not the only way." Say it with a question like this, "Is Jesus really the only way?" See how that puts doubt in their heart. Do you remember when I used that on Eve in the Garden? -- Oh, you were not there. Anyway, I said to Eve, "Did God really say, you shall not surely die?" I look back on that all the time. That was funny because besides making her sin, I also took away the earthly dominion authority from man. That's why I am the prince of this world. The best part to this whole thing is I have people thinking that other people are their problem. They don't know, it's really me -- ha, ha.
My long-range goal now is to take the heavenly kingdom authority away from God. All I need to do is change one of His biblical truths into a lie and God will be under my authority, because I am the father of lies. That means I will be the father -- hah, hah, hah. Well, back to work. I must get all those who follow me to keep all those other people from becoming thinkers. Once they realize I have been deceiving them all along, I might lose them to the other side. Oh my lord, I must be off -- bye.
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