The Christian life is held to a higher standard than the standards of the world. Whereas the world changes its standards to meet the flow of the moment, the Christian standard is set firm in the directives that govern his or her walk through life. In other words, the two standards are diametrically opposed. That same standard holds true for the different characteristics of Jesus and Satan. Where at one point, Jesus referred to Satan as "the god of this world", another Scripture reveals that Satan was the actual one responsible for the death of Jesus. However, the world's response to those claims would be to rebuke any similarities that Satan is this world's god or that he was the one responsible for killing Jesus. Those who have set themselves apart from the world and have become separated from that lifestyle, understand this contrast, because they have lived by the world's standards before becoming a Christian. This is not so with those still in the world. They only know the ways of the world and have never committed themselves to a covenant relationship with Christ. The Bible tells us that they are actually blinded of the things of God due to the great influence inflicted upon them by the god of this world.
Individuals of this world, who conform to the ways of the world, do not understand that the things of God do not change. Jesus made the statement that "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall never pass away." When the Bible stated, "Thou shalt not" way back then -- it still means "Thou shalt not" even today." The Bible declares, "God is the same yesterday, today and forever -- He never changes." However, by creating laws in the world to fit a certain lifestyle, will not change God's laws. Simply put, we have a free-will to choose. We can believe God, or we can believe this world. The Bible was not written with a bunch of do's and don't's so God could beat us over the head if we do something wrong. God gave us those directives to govern our lives by. These standards are for our good, so we can live a full, rich and satisfying life. The world seeks after something to fill the emptiness of their soul. Many times religion is the way it chooses, but the Bible says:, "There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Jesus came to give us life, and that more abundantly. Christianity is not just for a chosen few, but for the whole world (John 3:16). It is not automatic, but you must make the choice to invite Jesus into your life and make Him your Lord and Savior. The standards of the world will keep you under bondage to the god of this world. The standards of God will set you free from the bondage of this world. Jesus said, "Whom the Son sets free, he shall be free indeed." He will set you free, if you so choose to be free.
"The Unveiling of the Trinity" (2003)