Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Mystery Hidden From the Ages

The Mystery of the Trinity Revealed is the dramatic story of history's greatest mystery. About life, love and our eternal destiny. An elusive doctrine that has become all the more intriguing because only until recently, the whole story was unknown, but now it can be told.

Even Paul the apostle did not, nor could not receive this revelation because the information to disclose it was not available in his day. Jesus Himself prophesied in Matthew 10:26 and Luke 12:2 that the Trinity must become known at some juncture in time. We now find that this confusing and generally misunderstood Christian doctrine was never kept secret, but could only be revealed in God's timing and for His own purpose.

The Mystery of the Trinity Revealed answers all the questions through biblical verified facts and recently developed technological health/science innovations, which were unavailable to any other Church age.


Amazon     --     "The Mystery of the Trinity Revealed"